Difference: AddDetDD4hep (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62014-06-19 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

Implementing a detector in DD4hep

Line: 8 to 8

Prototype implementations in DD4hep

These can be found in the examples/ directory:
  • CLICSiD (CLIC Silicon Detector CDR by C.Grefe) - contains the ECal parameters
  • ILDEx (ILD Detector Toy model by F. Gaede) - does not contain any ECal components

Revision 52014-06-16 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

ECal in DD4hep


Implementing a detector in DD4hep

The way detector models are defined is quite different between Mokka and DD4hep. DD4hep provides representations of all TGeo shapes and means to place them in a hierarchy of detector elements with additional information, and this is the core feature of DD4hep.
The way detector models are defined is quite different between Mokka and DD4hep. DD4hep provides representations of all TGeo shapes and means to place them in a hierarchy of detector elements with additional information, and this is the core feature of DD4hep. This wiki shows how one would add a detector, e.g. the ECal, in DD4hep.

Prototype implementations of the ECal in DD4hep


Prototype implementations in DD4hep

  • CLICSiD (CLIC Silicon Detector CDR by C.Grefe) - contains the ECal parameters
  • ILDEx (ILD Detector Toy model by F. Gaede) - does not contain any ECal components
The CLICSiD example in the Root's GL viewer:
The CLICSiD example in the Root's OGL viewer:
Line: 131 to 131
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" attr="" comment="CLICSiD example in the Root's GL viewer" date="1401810366" name="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" path="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" size="402933" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILDExDet.png" attr="" comment="Original ILDEx toy model" date="1401883913" name="ILDExDet.png" path="ILDExDet.png" size="145917" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILDxECal.png" attr="" comment="ILDxECal, i.e. ILDEx with the Barrel ECal added" date="1401883952" name="ILDxECal.png" path="ILDxECal.png" size="32180" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1400839598" from="LinearCollider.NewCLICdc" to="LinearCollider.EcalDD4hep"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1402925780" from="LinearCollider.EcalDD4hep" to="LinearCollider.AddDetDD4hep"

Revision 42014-06-04 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

New CLIC ECal in DD4hep


ECal in DD4hep

  The way detector models are defined is quite different between Mokka and DD4hep. DD4hep provides representations of all TGeo shapes and means to place them in a hierarchy of detector elements with additional information, and this is the core feature of DD4hep.


Current ECal implementations


<--Mokka (ILD, C++) and GeomConverter (SiD, Java)-->
implementations can be found in:

  • ilcsoft/v01-17/gear/v01-03/example/gear_ILD_o1_v05.xml or gear_TGeoILD00.xml
  • ilcsoft/v01-17/Clupatra/v00-09-01/examples/gear_CLIC_CDR.xml

Prototype implementations of the ECal in DD4hep

  • CLICSiD (CLIC Silicon Detector CDR by C.Grefe) - contains the ECal parameters
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Implementing ECal in the ILD model

As a first step, one can copy the ECal components from the CLICSiD to the existing ILDEx model.
The ILDEx example included with DD4hep will produce this:


As a first step, one can copy the ECal components from the CLICSiD to the existing ILDEx model. I will call my new test detector ILDxECal:
cd ~/myDD4hep
cp -r /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/DD4hep/examples/ILDEx ILDxECal
Clean up its contents a bit
cd  ILDxECal
rm -rf build bin/* lib/*
and rename all ILDEx instances to ILDxECal.

Use copy and paste to add to compact/ILDxECal.xml all relevant EcalBarrel dimensions, materials, visualisation options and geometry definitions (Warning, important in the respective sections of the XML). First define:

        <constant name="CaloSides" value="12"/>
        <constant name="EcalBarrel_rmin" value="126.50*cm"/>
        <constant name="EcalBarrel_zmax" value="176.50*cm"/>
then in materials add
        <material name="TungstenDens24">
            <D value="17.8" unit="g/cm3"/>
            <fraction n="0.93" ref="W"/>
            <fraction n="0.061" ref="Ni"/>
            <fraction n="0.009" ref="Fe"/>
then add some visualisation options
        <vis name="EcalBarrelVis" alpha="1.0" r="0" g="0" b="0.3" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
        <vis name="EcalBarrelStaveVis" alpha="1.0" r="1" g="0.9" b="0.5" showDaughters="false" visible="true"/>
Add now the EcalBarrel geometry:
        <detector id="6" name="EcalBarrel" type="EcalBarrel" readout="EcalBarrelHits" vis="EcalBarrelVis" calorimeterType="EM_BARREL">
            <comment>EM Calorimeter Barrel</comment>
            <comment> Copied by protopop@cern.ch from CLICSiD example </comment>
            <dimensions numsides="(int) CaloSides" rmin="EcalBarrel_rmin" z="EcalBarrel_zmax*2" />
            <staves vis="EcalBarrelStaveVis"/>
            <layer repeat="1">
                <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.032*cm" sensitive = "yes" limits="cal_limits" />
                <slice material = "Copper"  thickness = "0.005*cm" />
                <slice material = "Kapton"  thickness = "0.030*cm" />
                <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.033*cm" />
            <layer repeat="20">
                <slice material = "TungstenDens24" thickness = "0.25*cm" />
                <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.025*cm" />
                <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.032*cm" sensitive = "yes" limits="cal_limits" />
                <slice material = "Copper"  thickness = "0.005*cm" />
                <slice material = "Kapton"  thickness = "0.030*cm" />
                <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.033*cm" />
            <layer repeat="10">
                <slice material = "TungstenDens24" thickness = "0.5*cm" />
                <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.025*cm" />
      <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.032*cm" sensitive = "yes" limits="cal_limits" />
                <slice material = "Copper"  thickness = "0.005*cm" />
                <slice material = "Kapton"  thickness = "0.030*cm" />
                <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.033*cm" />
and its readout
        <readout name="EcalBarrelHits">
            <segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="3.5*cm" grid_size_y="3.5*cm" />

One will need the C++ code snippet that interprets the BarellEcal XML data and expands the geometry:

cd ~/myDD4hep
cp /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/DD4hep/examples/CLICSiD/src/EcalBarrel_geo.cpp 

Now one can build the new test detector:

source /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-17/init_ilcsoft.sh
source /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/DD4hep/bin/thisdd4hep.sh 
cd ~/myDD4hep/ILDxECal/build
cmake ..
make -j install
cd ../
source bin/thisILDxECal.sh
./geoDisplay compact/ILDxECal.xml
and one obtains this:

Validating the DD4hep implementation of ECal


ECal geometries

The ECal

<--Mokka (ILD, C++) and GeomConverter (SiD, Java)-->
geometry parameters can be compared with the values from:

  • ilcsoft/v01-17/gear/v01-03/example/gear_ILD_o1_v05.xml or gear_TGeoILD00.xml
  • ilcsoft/v01-17/Clupatra/v00-09-01/examples/gear_CLIC_CDR.xml


Make sure units are present when dimensions and parameters are set in the compact XML file:
<segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="3.5*cm" grid_size_y="3.5*cm" />
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" attr="" comment="CLICSiD example in the Root's GL viewer" date="1401810366" name="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" path="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" size="402933" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILDExDet.png" attr="" comment="Original ILDEx toy model" date="1401883913" name="ILDExDet.png" path="ILDExDet.png" size="145917" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILDxECal.png" attr="" comment="ILDxECal, i.e. ILDEx with the Barrel ECal added" date="1401883952" name="ILDxECal.png" path="ILDxECal.png" size="32180" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1400839598" from="LinearCollider.NewCLICdc" to="LinearCollider.EcalDD4hep"

Revision 32014-06-03 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

New CLIC ECal in DD4hep

Line: 8 to 8

Current ECal implementations

The current Mokka (ILD, C++) and GeomConverter (SiD, Java) implementations can be found in:
<--Mokka (ILD, C++) and GeomConverter (SiD, Java)-->
implementations can be found in:
  • ilcsoft/v01-17/gear/v01-03/example/gear_ILD_o1_v05.xml or gear_TGeoILD00.xml
  • ilcsoft/v01-17/Clupatra/v00-09-01/examples/gear_CLIC_CDR.xml

Prototype implementations of the ECal in DD4hep


Implementing ECal in DD4hep

  • CLICSiD (CLIC Silicon Detector CDR by C.Grefe) - contains the ECal parameters
  • ILDEx (ILD Detector Toy model by F. Gaede) - does not contain any ECal components

The CLICSiD example in the Root's GL viewer:


Implementing ECal in the ILD model

As a first step, one can copy the ECal components from the CLICSiD to the existing ILDEx model.


Validating the DD4hep implementation of ECal


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" attr="" comment="CLICSiD example in the Root's GL viewer" date="1401810366" name="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" path="CLICSiD-TGeo.png" size="402933" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1400839598" from="LinearCollider.NewCLICdc" to="LinearCollider.EcalDD4hep"

Revision 22014-05-23 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

New CLIC Detector Concept


New CLIC ECal in DD4hep

The way detector models are defined is quite different between Mokka and DD4hep. DD4hep provides representations of all TGeo shapes and means to place them in a hierarchy of detector elements with additional information, and this is the core feature of DD4hep.


Current ECAL implementation in Mokka


Current ECal implementations

The current Mokka (ILD, C++) and GeomConverter (SiD, Java) implementations can be found in:

Prototype implementations of the ECal in DD4hep

Implementing ECal in DD4hep

Validating the DD4hep implementation of ECal

The current implementation is done in Mokka (ILD,C++) / GeomConverter (SiD, Java).



Prototype implementations of the ECAL in DD4hep

META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1400839598" from="LinearCollider.NewCLICdc" to="LinearCollider.EcalDD4hep"

Revision 12014-05-22 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

New CLIC Detector Concept

Current ECAL implementation in Mokka

The current implementation is done in Mokka (ILD,C++) / GeomConverter (SiD, Java).

Prototype implementations of the ECAL in DD4hep

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