Difference: SomeCernServices (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22021-05-11 - KennyWraight

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Some Cern Services

The Problem

If you create python noteboooks (e.g. jupyter), web based applications or plain old web pages, then you might want to share these with other people in the world who are not members of the university.

Hosting things locally (i.e. on university servers) usually means pages can only be accessed on campus or remotely via a VPN connection by members of the university. Hence, useful tools cannot be shared with collabration members (or anyone) from outside the university.

A solution

Cern offers services which can be used to share tools via the web without the need for user registration (e.g. OpenShift), or with other Cern users (e.g. SWAN). Your own Cern credentials are required when setting up or editing.

Depending on the application users do not have to be members of Cern or any other institution. In other words, your tools can be shared beyond the university and (application depending) publicly accessible.



Docker images (and more!) can be hosted on Cern's OpenShift platofrm. Some instructions on setting up available here.
Docker images (and more!) can be hosted on Cern's OpenShift platform and publicaly accessible. Some instructions on setting up available here.


Jupyter notebooks can be created and shared using the SWAN platform. Some instructions on setting up available here.
Jupyter notebooks can be created and shared (with other Cern users) using the SWAN platform. Some instructions on setting up available here.
  -- Kenneth Wraight - 2021-05-10

Revision 12021-05-10 - KennyWraight

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Some Cern Services


Docker images (and more!) can be hosted on Cern's OpenShift platofrm. Some instructions on setting up available here.


Jupyter notebooks can be created and shared using the SWAN platform. Some instructions on setting up available here.

-- Kenneth Wraight - 2021-05-10



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PDB_openShift.pdf" attr="" comment="instructional PDFs" date="1620685089" name="PDB_openShift.pdf" path="PDB_openShift.pdf" size="1844089" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PDB_SWAN.pdf" attr="" comment="instructional PDFs" date="1620685089" name="PDB_SWAN.pdf" path="PDB_SWAN.pdf" size="469628" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
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